Friday, December 4, 2009

Why I Think My Son Might Be Latino

Ever since he first uttered the word "Mama," I've been suspecting that my son might be latino. Here's why:

He calls them pantalones!

He sometimes uses a "rolling R".

As an infant, he favored maracas to rattles.

His statements usually sound like questions.

Homeboy can dance.

Common language errors include "I have wet!" and "I don't want it this show!"

He sometimes calls me "Me-kai-AY-la" rather than "Michaela" or just "Mom"

His dad wears a tight ponytail.

He's impassioned.

One eyebrow spans the width of his forehead.

He once smiled when I called him Jamesito.

He likes quesadillas more than sandwiches.

1 comment:

  1. funny- i always thought he was latino as well.... but then again, i always thought i fathered james and that makes even less sense!
