Wednesday, February 3, 2010


I wish I had a picture of my current computer situation to share with you. I'll try to describe it: I'm in my basement, sitting on a rocking ottoman, with an unpredictable keyboard on my lap (the keys don't always work, but the problematic keys are not always repeat offenders! They keep changing!) and our dinosaur of a computer monitor is balancing on a small bookshelf. This is why I haven't been blogging much. My glorious laptop has some sort of virus, or maybe an STD, (Gene broke my NO-PORN-ON-MY-FUCKING-LAPTOP rule) and we had to set up a makeshift computer station in our basement ("I'm not setting up the computer on the desk--- this is a temporary situation," promises the aforementioned porn creep.)

Anyway, I just wanted to quickly update my blog by sharing with you my new, edgy haircut:

And now I'm stuck with a centered line alignment, but I have no idea why.

So, if you can  bear with me during this tumultous blogging period of my life, I'll blog more often than I have been lately, but we'll have to settle for quickies until I get my laptop fixed. Deal? Great.


  1. That sucks (the computer thing I mean not your hair, that's cute). We're currently experiencing issues with our laptop and trying to decide the best way to raise funds for a new desktop so I feel your pain. My S key doesn't always work the first time which sucks since S is the first letter in my name. Good luck and glad you're back in some capacity.

  2. you look SASSSSSSYYYYY!!!!
    i am in desperate need of seeing you. can we make this happen?
